I now have in my hot little hands the first two books published by Morris Publishing Australia. Feels good. They are both fantastic books by Queensland author Stephen Anastasi. If you live in Central Queensland you can meet Stephen and buy your signed copies at the author events listed on the link below. If you are in Brisbane/Gold Coast area watch this space. I’m busy booking Stephen in for book signings there and he will be at Supa Nova later in the month. Both books are available as an eBook and paperback. If you or your kids love fantasy, you will love these two books.  http://www.morrispublishingaustralia.com/author-events.html


After much deliberation, many sleepless nights, hours of reading and re-reading, and long meetings with lively debate, we have come up with our short list of possible winners. As we are all aware, there are many reasons why manuscripts don’t make the final cut. The other entries all had their merits, but we felt those below had the most potential.

In a blog author interview, Jill Smith asked me the following question:

Last year you were appointed Managing Editor of Morris Publishing Australia. Has this position given you more insight into other writers and the whole publishing process?

My first reaction to that question was “God yes!” I now understand the frustration of a publisher’s editor. There are countless stories submitted that have great merit but some need a bit of work to get them to publishing standard. As a publisher, you have to choose the ones that are closest to ready as possible. Of course, you also have to look at commercial appeal – but that is a subjective thing and, right or wrong, you can only rely on your own judgment and that of your chosen readers. Go to the Morris Publishing Australia website to see the list.
